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Arrow - Sertraline 100mg 90 Tablets/Pack

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Arrow - Sertraline 100mg 90 Tablets/Pack

Sertraline 100


Product Name
Arrow - Sertraline 100mg 90 Tablets/Pack
Also known as Zoloft
Active Ingredient
Product Type
Antidepressant (SSRI)
Product expiry date we are currently shipping
Discontinued, no stock

Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg contain sertraline an SSRI antidepressant used to treat depression and other mood disorders, including, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.  

This product has been discontinued, but we do have alternatives below.

Arrow-Sertraline general information

What is Arrow-Sertraline used for?

Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg are used to treat depression and symptoms of depressive illness, including anxiety, loss of interest in usual activities, disturbed sleep, change in appetite, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty thinking or concentrating, and recurrent thoughts of suicide.  Arrow-Sertraline 100 is also used to treat other mood disorders that affect daily activities and relationships with others including: obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) in adults and children, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia (social anxiety disorder), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of premenstrual syndrome.

How does Arrow-Sertraline work?

Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg contain sertraline which is an antidepressant belonging to the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).  Arrow-Sertraline acts in the brain and works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin, a neurotransmitter or brain chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate, from the synapse, which is the gap between nerve cells across which chemical messages are sent from one nerve cell to another.  If the re-uptake of serotonin by the first nerve cell (pre-synaptic) is blocked, this means that there is more serotonin remaining for the receiving nerve cell (post-synaptic), which allows nerve cells to communicate with each other for longer.  One of the major causes of depression and other mood disorders is thought to be a lack of serotonin, which controls many body activities, including regulating mood.  The action of sertraline in Arrow-Sertraline 100 helps relieve symptoms of depression and other mood disorders by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain, which in turn increases stimulation of nerve pathways that control mood.

What does Arrow-Sertraline contain?

Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg contain the active ingredient sertraline hydrochloride, used to treat depression and other mood disorders.  They also contain calcium hydrogen phosphate, hyprolose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycollate (type a). The film coating contains: hypromellose, macrogol, polysorbate and titanium dioxide.

Treating depression with Arrow-Sertraline

Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg contain Sertraline which is an antidepressant belonging to the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), used to treat symptoms of depression, including anxiety, loss of interest in usual activities, disturbed sleep, change in appetite, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty thinking or concentrating and recurrent thoughts of suicide.  One of the major causes of depression is thought to be a lack of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter (brain chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate) that controls mood.  Arrow-Sertraline works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin from the synapse, or gap between nerve cells across which chemical messages are sent to allow nerve cell to communicate with each other.  By preventing the reuptake of serotonin by the first nerve cell (pre-synaptic) there is more serotonin remaining for the receiving nerve cell (post-synaptic), so that nerve cells can communicate with each other for longer, which increases stimulation of nerve pathways that control mood changes, relieving symptoms of depression.

Arrow-Sertraline for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg contain sertraline which is an antidepressant belonging to the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).  Arrow-Sertraline 100 is used to treat symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), including intrusive unwanted repetitive thoughts and an irresistible urge to keep repeating certain actions, such as hand-washing or counting, to try and prevent some imagined dreaded event.  One of the major causes of OCD is thought to be low levels of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter (brain chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate) and if there is a lack of serotonin, the brain cells involved in nerve pathways that control mood changes generate feelings of anxiety and panic instead of well-being, which is associated with high levels of serotonin.  Arrow-Sertraline 100 works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin from the synapse, or gap between nerve cells across which chemical messages are sent to allow nerve cell to communicate with each other.  By preventing the reuptake of serotonin by the first nerve cell (pre-synaptic) there is more serotonin remaining for the receiving nerve cell (post-synaptic), so that nerve cells can communicate with each other for longer, which increases stimulation of nerve pathways that control mood changes, relieving symptoms of OCD.

What are the side effects of Arrow-Sertraline?

The most commonly reported side effects when taking Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg include: abdominal pain, agitation, anxiety, constipation, sexual problems, diarrhoea, dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, gas, headache, decreased appetite, increased sweating, indigestion, insomnia or sleepiness, nausea, nervousness, pain, rash, sleepiness, sore throat, tingling or pins and needles, tremor, vision problems, vomiting, tinnitus, weight loss.

Can Arrow-Sertraline cause withdrawal symptoms?

You may experience withdrawal symptoms when your treatment with Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg is discontinued, therefore it is recommended that you come off Arrow-Sertraline 100 gradually rather than abruptly, to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

When should Arrow-Sertraline not be used?

You should not use Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg if you:

  • are allergic to sertraline or any ingredients in Arrow-Sertraline
  • are pregnant or are breastfeeding
  • have liver disease
  • are taking any monoamine oxidase inhibitor medications as these can cause serious reactions if taken with Arrow-Sertraline or within 14 days
  • are taking medication that affects blood clotting as these may increase risk of bleeding if taken with Arrow-Sertraline
  • taking other medication that interacts with Arrow-Sertraline, including, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) for depression; the analgesic tramadol, tryptophan, or phentermine (weight-reducing medicines), lithium for mood alteration, sumatriptan for migraine; St John's wort, a herbal remedy used to treat mood disorders, cimetidine for reflux and ulcers drugs, the antipsychotic pimozide, clozapine for schizophrenia, the anticoagulant warfarin, phenytoin for epilepsy, the sedative diazepam, tolbutamide for diabetes, methadone for drug addiction

What medications interact with Arrow-Sertraline?

Several medications interact with Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg and should either not be taken while you are taking Arrow-Sertraline or only after discussion and instruction from your doctor:

  • Drugs that cause a serious reaction with Arrow-Sertraline: monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) for depression
  • Drugs that affect Arrow-Sertraline: the analgesic tramadol, tryptophan, or phentermine (weight-reducing medicines), lithium for mood alteration, sumatriptan for migraine; St John's wort, a herbal remedy used to treat mood disorders, cimetidine for reflux and ulcers drugs
  • Drugs that are affected by Arrow-Sertraline: the antipsychotic pimozide, clozapine for schizophrenia, the anticoagulant warfarin, phenytoin for epilepsy, the sedative diazepam, tolbutamide for diabetes, methadone for drug addiction  

How should Arrow-Sertraline be taken?

You should take your Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg with a glass of water with or without food usually once a day, at the same time each day.  You should continue to take your Arrow-Sertraline 100 for several weeks or months, depending on your condition and your doctor’s recommendations.  Your doctor may increase your dose, depending on what you are being treated for.  You should take your Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg for as long as prescribed by your doctor, which may be for several weeks.  It may take 2 to 4 weeks or even longer before you start to feel better, so you should not stop taking your tablets before this if you do not feel immediate relief of symptoms.  You may need to continue taking Arrow-Sertraline 100mg tablets for several months or longer to prevent any relapse of symptoms.

How long should you take Arrow-Sertraline?

You should take the course of Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg for as long as prescribed by your doctor, which may be for several weeks.  It may take 2 to 4 weeks or even longer before you start to feel better, so you should not stop taking your tablets before this if you do not feel immediate relief of symptoms.  You may need to continue taking Arrow-Sertraline 100mg tablets for several months or longer to prevent any relapse of symptoms.

Missed dose of Arrow-Sertraline

If you miss a dose of Arrow-Sertraline tablets 100mg take it as soon as you remember, unless it is time to take the next dose, then skip the missed dose.  Do not take a double dose.

How should Arrow-Sertraline be stored?

You should store your Arrow-Sertraline below 25°C in a cool dry place. 

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