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Valzaar (Valsartan 80mg) 15 Tablets/Strip

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Valzaar (Valsartan 80mg) 15 Tablets/Strip

Valzaar (Valsartan 80mg) Tablets


Product Name
Valzaar (Valsartan 80mg) 15 Tablets/Strip
Also known as Diovan
Active Ingredient
Torrent Pharmaceuticals
Product Type
Antihypertensive (Angiotensin II receptor blocker)
Product expiry date we are currently shipping
Jan 2025

Valzaar tablets 80mg contain valsartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker, that is used to treat hypertension to lower high blood pressure, and treat heart failure, to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and prevent stroke and heart attack. 

Product Price List

Valzaar (Valsartan) 80mg 30 Tablets
$1.25 per Tablet
$37.50 (USD)
$37.50 (USD)
Valzaar (Valsartan) 80mg 60 Tablets
$1.15 per Tablet
$69.00 (USD)
$69.00 (USD)
Valzaar (Valsartan) 80mg 90 Tablets
$1.05 per Tablet
$94.50 (USD)
$94.50 (USD)
Valzaar (Valsartan) 80mg 120 Tablets
$1.00 per Tablet
$120.00 (USD)
$120.00 (USD)
Valzaar (Valsartan) 80mg 150 Tablets
$0.95 per Tablet
$142.50 (USD)
$142.50 (USD)
Valzaar (Valsartan) 80mg 180 Tablets
$0.90 per Tablet
$162.00 (USD)
$162.00 (USD)
Other Strengths

Valzaar general information

What is Valzaar used for?

Cardiovascular disease covers a range of heart and circulation problems.  Defined risk factors can increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease.  These risk factors include having high blood cholesterol levels that can result in blocked arteries.  High blood pressure can damage your artery walls and increase stress on your heart.  Lifestyle factors like obesity and smoking can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, also conditions like diabetes.  Cardiovascular disease includes heart failure, which is when the heart muscles are weakened and cannot pump blood efficiently.  Coronary heart disease is when arteries of the heart become blocked and hardened, which can result in angina (chest pain).  Heart attack is a result of blocked blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in heart muscle cell damage.  A stroke is the result of a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain or a bleed into the brain, which can cause brain cells to die if not treated quickly.  Valzaar tablets 80mg are used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. 

High blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force of your heart pumping blood around the body, combined with the resistance of the artery walls to the blood as it is forced into the circulation.  Two blood pressure measurements indicate whether your blood pressure is within the normal range.  Systolic pressure measures the force generated by the heart contracting with each heartbeat as it pumps blood out into the arteries.  Diastolic pressure is the resting phase between each heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes, and the heart fills with blood.  When your blood pressure is measured, it is expressed as systolic pressure (the highest measure) over diastolic pressure (the lowest measure). 

If the arteries become narrowed or constricted, this increases their resistance, and more force is needed to pump blood around the body.  This increased force causes hypertension, which is high blood pressure when your body is relaxed and at rest.  Essential hypertension is high blood pressure with usually no obvious and identifiable cause.  High blood pressure puts a strain on the heart by increasing its workload and its need for more oxygen.  The extra force of blood in the circulation can damage blood vessels, especially smaller blood vessels, such as those in the kidneys, which can lead to kidney damage.  Hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack.  There are usually no symptoms of high blood pressure, so you will only know if you have high blood pressure by having a check. 

What is heart failure?

Blocked coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood deprives the heart muscle of essential oxygen needed to keep it pumping.  This can weaken the heart muscle so that it is unable to pump efficiently, a condition is known as congestive heart failure.  The heart has to work harder to keep pumping, putting more strain on the heart muscle, which makes the situation worse.  You may have no symptoms at first, but as the condition worsens, you may start to feel breathless on exertion and notice swelling around your ankles and feet.  This swelling is due to oedema, which is fluid collection in the tissues due to poor circulation and can also happen around the heart.  Heart failure can also be caused by damage to the heart muscle due to a heart attack, a damaged heart valve, infection, and excess alcohol. 

Valzaar tablets 80mg can help treat heart failure with or without symptoms, to prevent it worsening, which often then requires hospital treatment.  Valzaar is also used to treat clinically stable heart failure.  Left ventricular systolic dysfunction after a recent heart attack is when the left ventricle of the heart cannot pump out blood properly.  Valzaar tablets can help improve this condition. 

If you have symptomatic heart failure, Valzaar tablets 80mg can be used when other medications are not suitable or are contraindicated to improve symptoms.  It can also be used with other medicines such as diuretics (water tablets). 

How does Valzaar work?

Valzaar tablets 80mg contain valsartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) that is used to treat hypertension and heart failure. 

Angiotensin II is a hormone produced from its precursor angiotensin I, by the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) mainly in the lungs but also the blood vessel wall and the kidneys.  Angiotensin II is involved in the renin-angiotensin system that regulates blood pressure.  It has several actions that include causing blood vessels to constrict and narrow (vasoconstriction).  Angiotensin II also regulates fluid balance by promoting salt (sodium and potassium) and water retention by the kidneys, which determines the amount of water removed from the blood by the kidneys.  These actions of Angiotensin II increase blood volume while at the same time reducing blood vessel volume, which increases blood pressure.  Angiotensin II works through a specific receptor on the surface of cells in blood vessels, and the kidneys called the Angiotensin II Receptor. 

Valsartan in Valzaar tablets 80mg blocks the binding of Angiotensin II to its receptor in various tissues where Angiotensin II exerts its actions.  This prevents the pressor effects of Angiotensin II (blood pressure increasing) by causing blood vessel dilation or widening and increasing the amount of salt and water removed by the kidneys into the urine.  The combination of these two actions lowers blood pressure and reduces the workload on the heart relieving symptoms of heart failure.

What does Valzaar contain?

Valzaar tablets 80mg contains the active ingredient valsartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) that is used to treat hypertension and heart failure. 

What are the side effects of Valzaar?

Most medications have some side effects, but they are not experienced by everyone.  Some side effects are commonly experienced when taking Valzaar tablets 80mg, but others are not so common, and you should discuss any problems or concerns with your primary care physician. 

Common side effects when taking Valzaar include dizziness, hypotension (low blood pressure), orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when getting up from sitting or lying down), kidney dysfunction.

When should Valzaar not be used?

Have a talk with your primary healthcare physician before taking Valzaar tablets 80mg so that you have a full understanding of what this medicine is for and how to use it.  There are some reasons for not taking a medication; these are called contraindications, and for Valzaar you should consider the following before taking Valzaar:

  • Have you ever had an unusual reaction or an allergy when taking Valzaar?
  • Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
  • Do you have any problems with your kidneys or your liver?
  • Do you have primary hyperaldosteronism, a condition that can increase blood pressure?
  • Are you are suffering from a narrowing of the kidney artery, called renal artery stenosis

What medications interact with Valzaar?

Some medicines interact with Valzaar tablets 80mg and may affect the way it works, or are affected by Valzaar or increase side effects; you should discuss possible interactions with your primary care physician.  These may include other antihypertensives like ACE inhibitors, potassium-sparing diuretics like spironolactone, potassium tablets or potassium-containing salt substitutes, lithium for mood swings, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID). 

If other medications may interact with Valzaar, your doctor will discuss these with you. 

How should Valzaar be taken and for how long?

You should take your Valzaar tablets 80mg swallowed whole with a glass of water, with or without food once or twice daily, at the same time each day.  The dose you take depends on what you are being treated for and your doctor’s recommendation.  It may take up to 4 weeks for Valzaar tablets 80mg to become fully effective in reducing your blood pressure.  It will help control your blood pressure but will not cure it, so you should continue to take your Valzaar tablets 80mg for as long as recommended by your doctor, to keep your blood pressure down to normal levels. 

Missed dose of Valzaar

If you miss a dose of Valzaar tablets 80mg take it as soon as you remember, unless it is time to take the next dose, then skip the missed dose.  Do not take a double dose.

How should Valzaar be stored?

You should store your Valzaar tablets 80mg below 25°C in a cool dry place. 

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