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Valcivir-1000 (Valaciclovir 1000mg) 3 Tablets/Strip

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Valcivir-1000 (Valaciclovir 1000mg) 3 Tablets/Strip

Valcivir-1000 (Valaciclovir 1000mg) Tablets


Product Name
Valcivir-1000 (Valaciclovir 1000mg) 3 Tablets/Strip
Also known as Valtrex or Zelitrex. AKA Valacyclovir.
Active Ingredient
Cipla Pharmaceuticals
Product Type
Product expiry date we are currently shipping
Aug 2026
Valcivir-1000 tablets contain valacyclovir (aka valaciclovir) 1000mg , an antiviral agent used to treat infection with herpes simplex virus that cause cold sores (HSV-1), genital herpes (HSV-II) and shingles or herpes zoster (varicella virus); to relieve painful symptoms and help heal blisters; also to prevent recurrent infection. 

Product Price List

Valcivir-1000 (Valciclovir) 1000mg 12 Tablets
$5.27 per Tablet
$63.25 (USD)
$63.25 (USD)
Valcivir-1000 (Valciclovir) 1000mg 24 Tablets
$3.92 per Tablet
$94.00 (USD)
$94.00 (USD)
Valcivir-1000 (Valciclovir) 1000mg 42 Tablets
$3.56 per Tablet
$149.50 (USD)
$149.50 (USD)
Valcivir-1000 (Valciclovir) 1000mg 84 Tablets
$3.29 per Tablet
$276.00 (USD)
$276.00 (USD)

Valcivir-1000 general information

What is Valcivir-1000 used for?

Valcivir tablets 1000mg are used to treat infection infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by herpes simplex virus, including cold sores (herpes labialis), initial and recurrent episodes of genital herpes in people with a healthy immune system, and shingles (herpes zoster). Valcivir tablets 1000mg are also used for suppression of recurrent genital herpes infections in people with an active immune system (immunocompetent) and to reduce the transmission of genital herpes to others. In HIV-infected patients who are immunocompromised, Valcivir tablets 1000mg are used for prevention (prophylaxis) of herpes infections. Valcivir tablets 1000mg are also used to treat cold sores in children who are at least 12 years old, and to treat chickenpox, caused by the closely related varicella zoster herpes in children who are at least 2 years old and herpes zoster (shingles) in immunocompetent adults.

How does Valcivir-1000 work?

Valcivir tablets 1000mg contain valacyclovir, a prodrug of acyclovir that is more readily absorbed and is converted to acyclovir by the liver. Valacyclovir in Valcivir tablets 1000mg then works in the same way as acyclovir, as an antiviral agent that is highly active against both types of herpes simplex virus, HSV-I, that causes cold sores and HSV-II that causes genital herpes; and also, against the closely related varicella zoster herpes virus that causes chicken pox and shingles. Valciclovir inhibits the action of a viral enzyme (DNA polymerase), blocking viral DNA synthesis without affecting normal cellular processes. This prevents the virus replicating and therefore, stops the growth and spread of the virus, relieving symptoms of the infection, and helping the body to fight off the infection. Valcivir tablets 1000mg will not cure a herpes infection, as the virus can lie dormant in infected cells until reactivated when immunity is low by stress, other illness or even exposure to sunlight, causing new infections like cold sores and shingles; but it does reduce pain and help the sores caused by the infection to heal faster.

What does Valcivir-1000 contain?

Valcivir tablet contains the active ingredient valacyclovir 1000mg, an antiviral agent used to treat infections caused by herpes virus infections including genital herpes and cold sores; it is also effective against the closely related varicella zoster herpes virus that causes chicken pox and shingles.

Treating herpes infection with Valcivir-1000

Valcivir tablets 1000mg contain valacyclovir, an antiviral agent which is highly active against both types of herpes simplex virus, HSV-I, that causes cold sores and HSV-II that causes genital herpes and also against the closely related varicella zoster herpes virus that causes chicken pox and shingles. HSV Infections are characterised by blisters which form in the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips or genitals and crust over to form a scab as they heal. Valcivir tablets 1000mg stop the virus in infected cells from being able to replicate and spread, helping to relieve symptoms and heal the blisters. 

Treating shingles with Valcivir-1000

Valcivir tablets 1000mg contain valacyclovir, an antiviral agent which is highly active against both types of herpes simplex virus, HSV-I, that causes cold sores and HSV-II that causes genital herpes and also against the closely related varicella zoster herpes virus that causes chicken pox and shingles. Herpes zoster or shingles is caused by the same type of herpes virus that causes the common childhood infection chicken pox (varicella). The blisters associated with chicken pox are characteristic of the initial infection with varicella zoster virus (of the herpes family) which migrate to nerve cells and remain dormant (not replicating) once chicken pox blisters have gone. Years later, the virus can be activated by stress, other illness or even exposure to sunlight, causing the virus to travel down the nerve and infect the skin again, replicating and causing the painful rash of blisters associated with shingles as well as nerve pain or post-herpetic neuralgia. Valcivir tablets 1000mg can help reduce the duration and severity of acute symptoms and rash as well as reduce zoster-associated pain.

Valcivir for genital herpes

Valcivir tablets 1000mg contain valacyclovir, an antiviral agent which is highly active against both types of herpes simplex virus, HSV-I, that causes cold sores and HSV-II that causes genital herpes, although HSV-I can also cause genital herpes, which is a sexually transmitted disease characterised by painful sores and blisters around the genital areas. Genital herpes can recur several times, particularly if your immune system is low or compromised.  Valcivir tablets 1000mg can be used to treat an initial infection of genital herpes and reduce painful symptoms; and is also used for suppression to prevent the infection recurring.

What are the side effects of Valcivir-1000?

The most commonly reported side effects when taking Valcivir-1000 include headache, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, dizziness. Less common side effects include mild reversible neurological reactions and fatigue and change in liver function tests, especially with long term therapy.

When should Valcivir-1000 not be used?

You should not use Valcivir-1000 if you:

  • are allergic to valacyclovir or any ingredients in Valcivir-1000
  • are pregnant or are breastfeeding
  • have kidney or liver disease
  • have had a bone marrow transplant
  • are taking medicines that interact with Valcivir-1000, without discussion with your doctor, including probenecid (a treatment for gout), cimetidine for ulcers, methotrexate for cancer treatment, the immunosuppressant ciclosporin, the antiviral foscarnet, aminoglycoside antibiotics.

How should Valcivir-1000 be taken?

You should take your Valcivir-1000 swallowed whole with a glass of water with or without food, usually twice daily depending on what you are being treated for and your doctors recommendations. You should start taking your Valcivir tablets 1000mg as soon as possible after the first appearance of symptoms, such as tingling, burning, blisters. The dose you take, how often and for how long depends on what you are being treated for and your doctors recommendations. Your course of treatment may last for 3 to 10 days for an initial infection or longer, depending on your condition and whether you are taking Valcivir tablets 1000mg for initial or recurrent infection or for prevention.

How long should you take Valcivir-1000?

You should continue to take your Valcivir-1000 for as long as recommended by your doctor, which may be for 3-10 day, or longer depending on your condition and what you are being treated for.

Missed dose of Valcivir-1000?

If you miss a dose of Valcivir-1000, take it as soon as you remember, unless it is time to take the next dose, then skip the missed dose.  Do not take a double dose.

How should Valcivir-1000 be stored?

You should store your Valcivir-1000 below 25°C in a cool dry place, well out of reach of children.


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